Zoom Special Effects Program
Part #1: Pre-production
This program is designed for students who have already done the Movie Trailer program and are familiar with the editing tool. A link will be given to the teachers to share with their students of an example of the Chroma Key special effect. An account will also be set up with many green screen characters and creatures. Students may look through the library and choose their creature and backdrop. They may also request something original that they do not see and the Artist will try and add this to the library.
In each student designated account they will save their creature and backdrop as well as the music they would like. Once this has been confirmed the Director will upload their material into folders inside the class Goggle docs account in preparation for the Zoom meeting.
Part #2: Zoom Class (with students)
The Director will introduce a free editing program which the students can download. Then they will download their raw materials from their folder in the class Google Drive. Each student will be instructed to upload these raw clips into the editor and we will go through the tutorial on Chroma Key and making Movie Magic.
To add a finishing touch we can add sound effects.
After the zoom workshop the students will have another 48 hours to work on their Masterpieces before the Director collects them.
Part #3: Movie Festival and Popcorn
In approximately a week after completion we should have the finished Special Effects Movie Reel with a Hollywood Style opening celebrating each of the student’s works. The link will be sent to the teacher for the class Movie Festival.